The Healing (John 5:1-15) Jesus meets a man who has been crippled for 38 years and heals him instantly.
Jewish law prohibited all work on the Sabbath, including carrying, so the Jews apparently ignore the healing and focus on law-breaking. The Jews don’t want to worship Jesus they want to blame him. Jesus doesn't get into a technical debate about Sabbath keeping but talks about something much more interesting - His relationship with God the Father.
Jesus is God: stand back in amazement (John 5:16-20)God the Father works every day, so does Jesus, His son.
The Jews realise He is claiming to be God and want to kill him.
Jesus relationship with God the Father is like a loving father who trains his son and a devoted son who watches and learns from his father.
Jesus is the life giver: believe and change (John 5:21, 25,26)
Jesus transforms this man’s life. His voice can raise the spiritually dead. The way to obtain new life is by hearing the word of Jesus and believing (like the Samaritans and the ruler in chapter 4).
Jesus is the Judge: honour him (John 5:22,23; 27-30)
Jesus is the Son of Man who has all authority to judge