Sunday, 27 March 2011

John 9: Blind Eyes Opened

Are you blind? Can you see who Jesus is?

In John 9 Jesus Heals a man Born Blind

The disciples assume he's blind because of some specific sin, but Jesus rejects such a simplistic approach and explains that there can be higher purposes: that God would be glorified as He works through Jesus to heal

God will be glorified, even in our suffering as we let him work. Sometimes the glory is through deliverance
Sometimes the glory is by our display of Christian character. God will ultimately be glorified as one day we have complete healing.

The man get healed as he obeys Jesus' instructions. For all of us, healing comes through obedience

The man's neighbours, and the Pharisees are like many people who want to ask the “How? ” questions but want to avoid the “Who?”

At the end of the chapter, Jesus seeks out the blind man so he can reveal his identity. Stepping into the light reveals who Jesus is: the Son of Man. Staying out of the light reveals our blindness

Are you blind? Can you see who Jesus is?

Click here to Listen to this sermon

It is also available as a Podcast. Search on iTunes for "Haywards Heath Evangelical" or by pasting directly this link:

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Isaiah 61:10 to 62:12 Delighting in God

We can delight in God. It gives us great joy that we are made right with God by trusting in Christ.

Perhaps even more amazing is that God delights in us - in the same way that a young man delights in his new bride. This comes to life in Jesus as he loves the church and lays down his life for her. 

Finally in this text God promises complete security for his saved people. They will no longer be plundered by their enemies. There is a sense that this is true for Christians right away but still we wait for the new Jerusalem to be a complete experience for us.

In response to all God has done and will do we pray - fervently, constantly and with the primary goal that God would be glorified in His people

Where do you belong? John 8:31-59

In this passage in John's gospel, Jesus continues to challenge the Jews about their attitude to Him. He ends up saying something really shocking - they were not children of Abraham with God at their Father.

Where do you belong? If you hold to the teaching of Jesus you belong to God. If you reject Jesus you are on the side of the Devil.

Listen to Mark Ventham preaching from John 8:31-59 on Sunday morning 20th March 2011

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Isaiah 61

Jesus is the one who fulfils these words. He can transform broken hearted, sad, imprisoned people to be free and happy.

This is something we delight in as we see it God restoring things in the church.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Has the Bible been corrupted?

The Gutenberg Bible, the first printed bible
Sometimes our Muslim friends suggest that the Bible, and in particular the New Testament has been corrupted. Just to deal with the subject very briefly...

1.      There is no evidence that the NT has been corrupted from the original text. On the contrary there is substantial evidence that the words have been preserved – from the sheer number of very old copies available and the remarkable and material correspondence between them all.

2.      For Muslims it is crucial that they can prove that the Bible was corrupted because in the Qur'an Muslims are told to respect the Gospel revealed by Jesus Christ and read by Christians. So the only way to avoid reading and believing in the Jesus revealed in the New Testament is to say it has been corrupted. However, it seems that no-one, including Muhammad himself suggested this in the 7th century. By this time there is no doubt that copies of the same Bible that we currently have, were in circulation. For example, Codex Sinaiticus is an almost complete NT that pre-dates Muhammad and is available to see in the British Library. Apparently, in the first four centuries after Muhammad, no Muslim theologian seriously contended that the Gospel texts were not authentic.

3.     We understand that there is no better evidence that the Qur’an has been preserved, but in the end this is not really an issue for Christians. The question is, what were the words of the Qur’an in the first place? Are they the sayings of a man or men, doing their best to call people away from idolatry and to codify their way of life, or was it the word of God? Muslims believe it to be the word of God but because it contradicts the Bible Christians believe it was the good intention of men in their culture using their understanding of the Bible; but it was not a revelation from God.

So Christians believe they must bring their Muslim friends back to Jesus – the ultimate revelation from God.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

John 8:12-30 – Light of the world

THE ultimate question is who is Jesus? He was clearly historical. Even atheists believe that. But was he anyone special?

Is he the “I AM”

In John 8 some reject; some want to know more and some believe. Which are you?

Jesus says: I AM the Light of the world (v12-20)
These words come with the Background of Old Testament appearances of God and many texts describing God as the bringing light (Psalm 27:1; Psalm 36:9, Isaiah 50:10 Is 60:1; Zechariah 14)

Jesus brings light, meaning he brings revelation of God and leads us to eternal life in the presence of God. The people living in darkness want to argue about Jesus testimony. The people walking in the light just want to follow Jesus and as they do that they know God. Salvation is about knowing God (2 Cor 4:5,6)

We all need this light. Everyone in the world needs this light

You must believe I AM or you are lost in your sins (v21-24)
Jesus literally just says “believe that I AM”
I AM connects with the OT burning bush and prophecies such as Isaiah 40
Jesus “going away” refers to His death resurrection and ascension
The people wonder what Jesus means, because their thinking is narrow and worldly 
If we search for our own saviour we will be disappointed. We are lost without Jesus
Without believing Jesus is God's Son and our Saviour we will die without having our sins forgiven.

At the Cross You will know I AM
Jesus patiently repeats that all along he has claimed to be sent from the Father. All those who humbly and sincerely look at Jesus perfectly obeying His Father on the Cross, see God revealed in glory. One day everyone will acknowledge Jesus was lifted up on the Cross for the glory of God and now is in heaven glorified and with all authority

Some reject: they need to turn to the light or they will die in their sins.
Some ask for more information: they need look to the Cross and see God there.
Some believe: rejoice that the great I AM leads them to eternal life and they follow him.

Click here to Listen to this sermon

It is also available as a Podcast. Search on iTunes for "Haywards Heath Evangelical" or by pasting directly this link

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The great divider John 7:25-52

The people listening to Jesus in John 7 were divided. These were some of the comments they made:

He is a good man
He is leading the people astray
He has a demon
When the Christ appears will he do more signs that this man has done?
Where does he intend to go that we will not find him?
This really is the prophet 

Or perhaps the most perceptive of all - "no-one ever spoke like this man"

What do you think about Jesus?