Friday, 26 February 2010

Who am I?

Here I stand around 6ft tall. I live for a few years, make my mark and then I’m gone. Compared to the earth I’m pretty small. Compared to the universe I am ridiculously insignificant. We now know that our home galaxy, the Milky Way, contains about 100 billion stars. And there are another 100 billion galaxies each of 100 billion stars! The numbers are impossible to imagine.

But exciting new discoveries in the last few years have shown that the earth is unique. It has everything you need for life. Even scientists who don’t believe in God have had to admit when they look at many of the biological and chemical processes it just seems like it was specially designed.

Recently it was realised that if the constants of nature, like the gravitational pull, the angle of the earth on its axis, the thickness of the atmosphere, were minutely different, life as we know it could not have begun. The earth seems to have a very special place in the universe.

And life on earth seems pretty special too. One amazing example is the flagellum motor on a bacteria. You need a magnification of 50,000 times to see this amazing device. It’s just like an outboard motor on a boat. It can spin at 100,000 RPM in one direction then stop within a quarter turn and spin the other way. The paddle allows the bacteria to swim through liquids like a miniature submarine. Do submarines exist in the sea by accident? Of course not – there’s a designer. You couldn’t imagine a submarine evolving from spare parts. Can we seriously believe life on earth is the result of an accident.

So perhaps I am not so insignificant after all. Perhaps I was made with a purpose. With all that evidence we’re expected to ask, “So who was the designer?” Wouldn’t you like to meet him?

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