Thursday, 25 March 2010

Samson - the cartoon character

Samson is a cartoon character in every sense. His exploits are extraordinary. He can rip lions apart, slay 1,000 men with a donkeys skull, lift a set of city gates and carry them for miles. Oh, and chase after whatever his eyes take a fancy to - mostly women who always caused him trouble. He's comic and tragic. Larger than life and well, just like life.

I've sometimes been half tempted to have a caricature of my face done, but my features are bad enough normal size let alone with emphasis.

Samson is like a caricature of Israel. They are unfaithful. They find satisfaction in anything and everything that leads them away from God. They are led by their eyes instead of seeing things through God's eyes.
But you know what's even more amazing. They cry out to God in their need and he hears them.

That's grace.

If you want to listen to the sermon it is available online here.

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