Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Following Jesus (John 1:35-51)

This Sunday we were looking at the next part of John chapter 1 where John records for us the first men to start following Jesus and we noted two things:

Firstly that John the Baptist role has come to an end, he is no longer required to testify that Jesus is the Messiah. So his words recorded in John are “Look, the Lamb of God”, Andrew and another disciple (probably John the evangelist) hear him and begin following Jesus. It is only natural and logical that those who were following him should transfer their allegiance to the one he pointed too. John the Baptist’s message has always been Look at Him, You must follow and that is the same message that we are called to speak. It was what Andrew did after spending time with Jesus, he went and got his brother Simon (Peter) and said we have found the Messiah, effectively look at Him you must follow.

I wonder how often we are quick to say that to folk, look at Him, look at Jesus, you must follow? Or are we more concerned that people follow us?

The second thing we noted was that Jesus begins to say Follow me and you will see. So Jesus upon meeting Philip says “Follow me” and Philip follows. Philip then goes and fetches Nathanael saying effectively Look at Him, you must follow. Nathanael comes and as he does Jesus reveals that he saw Nathanael under the fig tree before Philip called him. Jesus’ demonstration of supernatural knowledge is enough for Nathanael to believe and he declares that Jesus is the Son of God, the King of Israel. To this Jesus says “you believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You shall see greater things than that.” He then added, “I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” Jesus’ promise to those who follow him is that they will see great things, they will see the greatness of the Son of Man. Just as Jacob in his dream saw the gateway to heaven and saw the house of God, Genesis 28. Jesus says you who follow will see even greater things than that, you will see THE gateway to heaven, Him, and you will see THE house of God, Him, and you will see how awesome Jesus is as he dies and is risen for the sake of mankind. Have you seen how awesome Jesus is?

Are you following him?

To listen to sermons in the John series click here

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