Monday 9 May 2011

Is Jesus Qualified to be your leader?

How do we know Jesus is the one we can trust, and keep on trusting to bring us safely home to the new heavens and new earth?
Yesterday we started a series in Hebrews 1:1-4. The writer tells us that Jesus is uniquely qualified because...

·         He is the final communication from God. God had spoken in all kinds of ways up till the coming of Jesus, but now he speaks definitively and fully in Jesus.

·         He is the creator. Jesus is the one who made everything and shares all the characteristics of God.

·         He is the only Saviour. He finished the work of making us clean from our sins

So we can trust Him, and more than that we can be so thankful and joyful for a perfect complete Saviour

To listen to Mark Ventham preaching from Hebrews 1:1-4 on Sunday evening 5th May 2011 click here

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